A Smack of News!

Hello Dear Loved Ones and Curious Folk,

Apologies for the long delay since my last missive. A season has passed, (or two), including holidays and I have been to Australia and Thailand since I last wrote, maybe more.

In any case, I am writing this newsletter with a brief update to tell you I have not forgotten you at all. On the contrary, if you look at one of my two websites, you will note that I have been overtly concerned with your well being. So much so, that I have also learned things like putting certain words into my announcements may toss them directly from your spam bot into a spam folder – something I wish no part of.

Sooo, suffice it to say for now that I dearly wish for you to keep in touch, read my postings on twitter and facebook, and generally keep abreast of the workings around world peace.

On another individual note, I have to move the Mini Mansion and Dungeonette! I am hoping to stay in/ near the Mission District of San Francsico, but am amenable to other options. See my posting on craigslist for more info.

And the classes I’ve presented, wow! Upcoming ones I will tell you more about as the time draws nearer, stay tuned.

Most importantly and immediately, It’s the Naked Kinky Truth!

Cleo Dubois and I need just one more man in order to hold this very intimate weekend workshop on playing with erotic power May 5-6 in San Francisco. The Erotic Dominance Weekend Intensive is interactive, hands on, step by step training in the SM Arts. Attend alone or with your partner. Email the questionnaire to CleoDubois@sm-arts.com by Friday!

Finally, this newsletter is also a test to see who is still with me on this work, so feel free to respond – either directly or in comment form.

And in the meantime…may all your kinks come true!

In love and kink,
